Saturday, August 3, 2013

Free Will - A Comment

A commercial for a new talk show to be hosted by a man with a Greek last name featured several guests each with a few seconds of sound bite.  The sound bite that caught my complete attention was uttered by a guest with a metal ring around her lower lip.  Her statement was something to the effect that "free-will" should not be viewed from a religious perspective.  I am sure that she had reasons for making the statement, but whatever her reasons were, she could not have been talking about Free Will.

Free Will comes from God, God is central to religion and therefore Free Will is inextricably tied to religion, in particular to Christianity, to Lucifer, and to Adam and Eve.  When anyone says "free-will" cannot be analyzed from a religious perspective, he/she has already by his/her very statement limited the Free Will God has given to each of us, which is the will to think and act freely and in this case, to think of Free Will as a gift from God.  By placing a limit as to what we can or cannot do is definitely not God's idea of Free Will. [1]

[1] What about the Ten Commandments, the teachings of Christ and the warnings by the Virgin Mary during Her many apparitions, do they not limit Free Will?  No.  They are what they are, commandments, teachings and warnings, none of which subtracts from the total and absolute freedom of will God has given us to taunt, disobey or be indifferent to any or all of them.

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