Saturday, August 17, 2013

Does God Exist And Does It Even Matter?

Whether God exists is not a question to be pondered in this millennium.  God exists with the second part of the Holy Trinity, the Holy Spirit Who facilitated the birth of the third part of the Holy Trinity, Jesus Christ, from the virgin womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of Christ.

If there is doubt, one can refer to the many, many apparitions, some with healings and others with warnings, of the Blessed Virgin Mary around the world [1], of which only a handful were deemed supernatural by the Vatican, many not.  For the non-believer, that does not matter but the non-believers are not what is troubling me at this writing.

At this writing I fear for those who know, for a fact, that God is real, that Christ died for the remission of sins and that the Blessed Virgin Mary has been trying to save every single soul from eternal damnation by her continual appearances and warnings but who, for one reason/excuse or another relegate God to an afterthought, show indifference to Christ's Passion and consider the Virgin Mary's apparitions as forgettable and her warnings as dismissable. [2]

I also fear for us who do not know what exactly to do that could save our own souls and help save the souls of others.

For now, the only thing I know how to and can do is to pray for myself and others.  Perhaps that is enough, if each and everyone one of us on this planet pray everyday, many times a day for the forgiveness of our sins as we truly forgive those who have sinned against us. Perhaps that is asking for a lot because for so many God is totally irrelevant next to Satan's gifts of power and/or wealth.  The hearts of these people are pitifully depraved and the prayer of Fatima will most benefit them. [3]

[2] It is not a good idea to disregard the apparitions of the Virgin Mary, whether or not approved by the Vatican.  Read about the most recent well-known apparition was in Kibeho, Rawanda here: and here:
[3] There are many versions of this but mine are:  On my Jesus, forgive us our sins, especially those who have most need of Your mercy, or O mi Jesu, dimitte nobis debita nostra, libera nos ab igne inferni, conduc in caelum omnes animas, praesertim illas quae maxime indigent misericordia tua. 

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