Sunday, August 11, 2013

A Final Observation - World Youth Day 2013 - Pope's Slum Trip

I thought the pope's trip to Brazil was history and would never be mentioned again.  I was wrong.  Yesterday I was watching Mass on TV and in his sermon, the priest talked about the pope's visit to Varginha.  Varginha is a slum north of Rio de Janeiro [1].  As soon as the priest mentioned the pope and his slum trip, I tuned out.  I had not the least bit of interest what followed even though he has been one of my favorite priests who says Mass on EWTN.

I think he was preaching something the pope said about the poor and poverty, as if the pope practiced what was preached.  People, this pope is a hypocrite, and those who believe him have succumbed under his devilish powers and are tainted by his hypocrisy.

If this pope were a true Francis, after Francis of Assisi, the saint, then he would have stayed in Varginha his entire time in Brazil, but he did not.  He stayed "at the Residência do Sumaré (Sumaré Residence) during his trip to Brazil. The residence was where Blessed John Paul II stayed during his two visits to Brazil in 1980 and 1997. It’s a quiet place, away from the rush of the city. Besides Pope Francis, the residence [also hosted] the whole papal entourage, which [included] about 40 people." [2]  That does not sound like a place that Francis of Assisi would have accepted, not to mention the food that he and his companions were served.  One can safely assume that the residence is not a run-down shack in the middle of the slums where the poor people live and die and that the food they were served was not slum food.

A papal entourage of about 40 people.  Was this a vacation for royalty?  Allow me to suggest the venue for the next World Youth Day: Republic of Niger (République du Niger) in Sub-Saharan Africa, and let us see how big the papal entourage would be when they realize that their accommodations would be tents in the baking desert heat surrounded by abject poverty.  They should plan to spend 40 days there.  I would bet that most would have accepted Satan's first temptation to get them to the Ritz Carlton at Place Vendôme in Paris on the first flight out within the first 40 hours.

Again, the creature waded into the crowd.  He is a fearless martyr.  Right.  Read this: "Less than 24 hours before the Argentine-born pontiff’s scheduled arrival, the neighborhood in an area of about 36,000 people was still getting spiffed up; new cement walls were being poured and state workers were laying electrical cables. Military police were out in full force..." [3] [Emphasis Added]


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