Sunday, August 18, 2013

Perfection Is Not Democratic

Perfection requires no compromise.  Since democracy is a child of compromise, it does not come into being in perfection.  Since God is perfect and has made all things perfect [1], there is no occasion for conflict and no need for compromise.

Obviously the eternal and inalterable truth that God is perfect did not go over well with Lucifer who left God to become Satan, the enemy of God.  Nor does it go over well with earth's secularists who think they are smarter than God, who by creating a God-less and loveless society based on democracy and passing laws mandating the redistribution of wealth, allowing abortions and permitting unbridled access to all information think that they can achieve equality that would lead to justice and peace, something that God has failed to achieve.  They cannot be more wrong just as Lucifer was wrong and like Lucifer, they would go the way of the Fallen Angel to Hell. [2], [3]

[1] Did God make a mistake in creating an imperfect couple in Adam and Eve?  No.  Adam and Eve were given Free Choice and Free Choice is perfection.  It was Adam and Eve who made the wrong choice to go on a path that led them away from God, and it was the Son of God, Jesus and His Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary who showed us the path back to God by making the right choices that are perfect in every way, that conform without exception to God's every desire.
[2] The prayer of Fatima will most benefit these souls.  There are many versions of this prayer.  The ones I like are:  Oh my Jesus, save us from the fires of Hell, lead all souls to Heaven, especially those who have most need of Your mercy, and "O mi Jesu, dimitte nobis debita nostra, libera nos ab igne inferni, conduc in caelum omnes animas, praesertim illas quae maxime indigent misericordia tua."  See comment by EUSTACHIUS at  They desperately need this prayer to diminish Satan's insidious influence and liberate them from its inexorable grip.
[3] This provides an opening to a discourse in running the world based on the teachings of Christ, a discourse that is beyond the scope of this blog, even though the conclusion is simple: Love one another.

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