Tuesday, June 18, 2013

To Brother Augustine: A Personal Farewell, For Now

Dear Brother Augustine,

Thank you for the opportunity to speak with you Sunday evening, June 9.  I am sad to find out from Brother Pius before Compline yesterday that you had decided to spend more time discerning but I understand completely.

You recited for me in Latin the famous words of Saint Augustine "Give me chastity and continence, but not yet."  I hope that you will realize soon that chastity and continence are in the end by far more fulfilling that desires of the flesh that never satiates.  There may be other reasons that you have decided to take time off.  Whatever that may be on your mind, may God be especially close by your side during this period.

You are so talented, so gifted and have so beautiful a soul.  You are for me already a man of cloth as of two Sundays ago for you have gifted generously and genuinely to me your concern, your wisdom and your loving guidance and I would like to thank you deeply and humbly.  There are many, many others like me who would benefit greatly with you guiding them carefully and gently toward Christ.

What follows is a note I plan to write to all the Brothers before they move forward with their commitment on July 5 and I would like for you to have it when you return (I have faith that you would) to complete yours: 

You are so blessed for having the will to follow freely the footsteps of Christ.  As you walk with love along your path to holiness leading to The One Who loves you most, may you be filled with the Holy Spirit.

I am blessed to have been able to share some precious and memorable moments with you.

God Bless!


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