Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Christ - Not A Victim

To have to sit through a sermon you do not agree with is torture.  This priest said Christ was a "holy victim."  Christ was indeed holy but He was not a victim.  A victim elicits pity and is comforted by sympathy.  Christ became man to die for our sins.  He is our Savior.  He certainly did not appear to be a victim, not even to His disciples.  He did not elicit any sympathy from them, not even from the three who were at Gethsemane with Him -- they fell asleep.  Jesus was sorrowful but was (is) not looking for His disciples' or our sympathy.  He certainly does no want our pity. He was here to carry out His Father's Will even though He was scared and prayed to His Father at Gethsemane to let the "cup" of suffering to "pass" from Him.  That did not happen and He allowed Himself to be betrayed as prophesied, and willingly suffered and died in accordance with His Father's Will.  Does Christ sound like a "victim" to you? 

My question is:  Why do some priests think that they are qualified to be priests?  Priesthood seems for them a livelihood rather than a calling.  The lack of God's grace and holiness in these priest somehow distances me from the Church, but I nonetheless love them for who they are, as persons upholding the Church and administering the sacraments, but not for what they say.

On the other hand, some priests give beautiful and meaningful sermons and I wish they would not stop preaching because I just want to sit there and listen to them.  These priests have the Grace of God and are truly called to serve.

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