Tuesday, June 18, 2013

God Is Still The Most Powerful -- Bar None

"[Edward Snowden] learned just how all-consuming the NSA's surveillance activities were, claiming 'they are intent on making every conversation and every form of behaviour in the world known to them.'" [1]  Sadly, such technology is primitive since it can only record what is transpiring, not what has yet to transpire.  The future and the Final Judgment, firmly in the hands of God, are to be feared by those who try to be God, even by the Antichrist itself.  Just look at what happened to Adam and Eve, our foreparents, and the consequences of whose Sin each of us still bear, the pains and sufferings that afflict our minds, bodies and souls, our ultimate deaths and the unknown eternity that awaits us.

[1] , and , "Edward Snowden: the whistleblower behind the NSA surveillance revelations," The Guardian, June 9, 2013, http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jun/09/edward-snowden-nsa-whistleblower-surveillance

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