Sunday, June 30, 2013

The "Hell Holes" Of The World

Today on ETWN, Father Richard Ho Lung, founder of the Missionary Of The Poor, a community of brothers and priests dressed in white with a cross hanging prominently in front of their chests, said that their mission was to serve those in the "hell holes" of the world.  He was referring to those places where the destitute, abandoned, unloved, disabled, disfigured, deformed, orphaned, lonely or elderly live.  As usual, my warped mind was thinking of very different "hell holes" when Fr. Richard's words were echoing between my ears.  I thought, how wonderful it would be, for these spiritual, kind and holy brothers, dressed in white habits with a cross over their chests, would walk along the likes of Rodeo Drive in Los Angeles, Castro Street in San Francisco and Rue du Faubourg Saint-HonorĂ© in Paris, and into the movies studios in Hollywood, and around financial district in New York, Tokyo, Shanghai, London and Hong Kong and in the halls of government houses in Washington D.C, Jerusalem, Tehran, Beijing, Moscow, London, Berlin and Tokyo and around all the affluent residential communities and resorts and the large cruise ships all over the world to identify the souls that populate those hell holes, that have nothing but emptiness in them, and to wash away their sins and save them from eternal damnation [1].

[1] I confess that I have been on Rodeo Drive, Castro Street, Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, to Hollywood, in the financial districts and government houses of many big cities and that I have lived in affluent residential communities and have been to nice resorts and on large cruise ships and I must say I would have loved to have the company of these holy, kind and spiritual brothers at all of these times in my life so my soul could be filled with the Holy Spirit just like theirs.

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