Saturday, June 22, 2013

Seek Refuge In God

PC World reported (6 hours ago) that Edward Snowden had been charged by the US with espionage, theft, and conversion of government property. [1] reported (18 hours ago) that "[a]n Icelandic business executive says a private plane is on standby to transport NSA secrets leaker Edward Snowden from Hong Kong to Iceland," but there is no guarantee yet by Iceland that he would not be extradicted to the US.  [2] The Guardian reported (about 21 hours ago) that "Russia has offered to consider an asylum request from the US whistleblower Edward Snowden, in the Kremlin's latest move to woo critics of the west." [3]  Although Snowden is still supposedly in Hong Kong at this time, China still has not made any public offer of asylum to Snowden. 

Edward Snowden, as smart as he is, ought to have considered going to the Vatican, the State, and ask to be sheltered by the Pope, the Head of State.  If he had, he could, while he is there, ask the same guy, the Successor of Peter and the Vicar of Christ for a confession for the repentance of sins and ask to seek refuge in the House of God.  Now who on earth would force the Vicar of Christ, the Catholic Pope of approximately 1.214 million Catholics [4] to do anything besides the forgiveness of sins?  Certainly not the 2.2 billion (minus the 1.214 million Catholics) other Christians [5] who also believe in the forgiveness of sins and not vengeance.

Short of being able to get to the Vatican easily due to the lack of an airport there and risking arrest before he arrives, it is my hope that Edward Snowden would give a full confession to an American priest (protected communication under the priest-penitent privilege) and become one himself so that he could begin serving Christ freely around the world and should he be murdered, he would be a martyr for believing in the forgiveness of sins.

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