Thursday, June 13, 2013

I Miss Pope Benedict XVI

Although I could never understand what Pope Benedict XVI was saying when I saw him on EWTN, I still liked watching him, his demeanor and  his mannerisms, all of which spoke to me one thing: genuineness.  Even if Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI might not have spoken God's Truth at all times, he spoke the truth as he knew it.  There was never a scintilla of pretension.  I admire that.  In fact, I admire Pope Benedict XVI tremendously, even if I had at one time or another disagreed with him.  I also admire his intellect.  It shines brilliantly and its brilliance is evident in the books he had written (I have read only two but plan to read them all).  His writing does not lend itself to speed-reading.  He packs so much material in so few words that it is easy to miss what he is trying to say if they are not read word by word, carefully.

I am now re-reading On The Way to Jesus Christ [1], slowly and deliberately many of his words over and again to grasp and savor their meaning.  The words, even if they maybe offensive to some, they are for me words that help the opinionated and obstinate me understand and absorb the meaning of Christ's words and Passion.  Perhaps one day they would become a part of me when I can live them every moment of every day. [2], [3]

[1] Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, now Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI, On The Way to Jesus Christ, trans. Michael J. Miller (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2005).
[2] I have or are still reading the words of Francis of Assisi, Térèse of Lisieux, Augustine of Hippo, all of them became saints after their deaths.  I put Pope Benedict XVI in the saintly category even though he is not yet a saint (he has the potential).  I would like to learn from most of the rest of the saints should I get around to reading about them.  I do not believe that all saints are saintly (I could be wrong) because some became saints due to popular demand and/or politics or because they were corrupt (I think Augustine of Hippo said something to that effect in his book Confessions but I cannot be sure because I cannot find where it is in the book right now).
[3] I already know I will have difficulties, especially with understanding and internalizing poverty being the face of Christ.  I need more time to think more on this topic.  Hopefully it will be resolved soon and when it is I will write down my thoughts.

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