Saturday, February 18, 2012

Tweets - Wireless Drug Delivery Chip

Al in SF @Al_in_SF

The temptation to mandate the use of wireless drug chip[s] echoes the first temptation Satan presented to Eve & Adam.

14m Al in SF Al in SF @Al_in_SF

Satan is known as the master of disguise. The wireless drug chip is life-controlling disguised as life-saving.

26m Al in SF Al in SF @Al_in_SF

Satan is forever perfecting man's imperfections.

29m Al in SF Al in SF @Al_in_SF

To want a wireless drug delivery chip in your body is to give to Satan God's gift to you - your life.

1h T.A. McCann T.A. McCann @tamccann

MIT professors have developed a microchip that delivers drugs remotely:
Retweeted by Vinod Khosla

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