Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I Cry

I cry for kindness, when it’s mistaken for meekness.
I cry for innocence, when it’s seen as weakness.
I cry for love, when it’s thought of as purpose.
I cry for selflessness, when it’s depreciated to heroism. [1]
I cry for hope, when it’s overcome by fear.
I cry for freedom, when it’s trampled by irresponsibility.
I cry for conscience, when it’s taken over by greed.
I cry for loneliness, when it’s filled with self-pity.
I cry for desire, when it’s not for God.

[1] An act of selflessness originates from and is done out of conscience, the goodness within. I believe that such acts do not result from chance or coincidence but are miracles. When a miracle that is factually substantiated and corresponds to a selfless act and is being judged to be heroic, then what was once goodness in its purest form has been reduced to heroism, a secular concept that is often further cheapened by profit motives, rankings and trophies that are handed out under media's spotlight, pomp and circumstance. (Footnote added on March 1, 2012.)

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