Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Deficit Cronyism & Life-Term Entitlement Fund

My latest three tweets:
Obama's cronyism is "Deficit Cronyism" NOT "Capital Cronyism" because US has NO capital. It has continuous deficits that add to its debt. [1]

Obama's "Two-term Fund" should instead be the "Life-Term Entitlement Fund For The Embittered". [1], [2]

Will Obama earn money from speeches post-presidency?No. What capitalist will pay for socialism & what socialist will pay for an entitlement? [1]

[1] @Al_in_SF

[2] After Mitt Romney launched his $1 million One-term Fund:, the Obama team followed the money man's lead and started a $2 million Two-term Fund, which inspired me to re-name it in a tweet.

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