Friday, February 10, 2012

My Tweets - Continued

Al_in_SF Al in SF
Obama did right by approving the $25b foreclosure settlement. It will begin healing the devastating econ wound inflicted by an inept Bush#43
39 minutes ago
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
Obama violates my religious freedom by requiring me to pay for abortive services INDIRECTLY through my health insurance premiums.
2 hours ago
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
Egypt to US: We don't want your money. How long will that last? Until a regime change in the US. Can't mess with the Cradle of Civilization.
3 hours ago
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
Mubarak's revenge: A 1-term Obama. The parallel is clear - Carter & the hostage crisis in Iran to Obama & the hostage crisis in Egypt.
3 hours ago
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
Plus, the subscriber gets a Happy Meal and a Happy Meal Toy in San Francisco.
4 hours ago
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
Oh, and for every new subscriber to this new Catholic health insurance group, a dollar will be donated to the Ronald McDonald House Charity.
4 hours ago
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
For Obama to require ALL health insurance companies to provide free abortive services but if one is Catholic it violates religious freedom.
4 hours ago
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
Fight back Bill Donohue by starting a Catholic health insurance company and take only patients insured under it & Obama will be in the creek
4 hours ago
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
Bill Donohue Prez Catholic League on Fox said Obama is "devious" by INDIRECTLY requiring Catholic hosp to subsidize abortion at free clinics
4 hours ago
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
Has Obama's decision to support the ousting of Egypt's Prez Mubarak backfired with Egypt now holding 19 American hostages?
16 hours ago
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
If Assad's Syria is a secular state, why is Obama upset when Assad is trying to stop a Sunni uprising? Isn't Obama a secularist? im confused
16 hours ago
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
A refrain:The Ultimate Obama Dilemma - President Obama: Are you for the EU (Romney-type cuts) or the Greek people (Obama-type entitlements)?
18 hours ago
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
Fascinated by Greece.The U.S. should outsource the Fed Reserve to the EU. Their rule: No Disbursements Without Cuts In Government Spending.
18 hours ago
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
A new magazine: RE-WIRED, to be published by the universe's most intelligent PC (Parasite Colony) -- see Re-tweet immediately below.
9 Feb
Evan Williams
ev Evan Williams
How Your Cat Is Making You Crazy:… Amazing story.
9 Feb
Retweeted by Al_in_SF
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
Making connections:Tiger Woods - Sexting; Old-fashioned - Corner of Fast & Sleazy; High-Tech - Algorithms
8 Feb
wired Wired
Exclusive: Path's CEO explains why his app collects address book data, and how the company intends to make things right
8 Feb
Retweeted by Al_in_SF
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
Obama's Ultimate Dilemma: For the people of Greece, or for the EU demanding cuts in government spending, jobs & pensions to have a 2nd term?
8 Feb
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
Greece - an over-bloated government with unaffordable public pensions despite high taxes (45% income and 23% V.A.T.)
8 Feb
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
Greece - Obama's America In The Making
8 Feb
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
Mitt Romney: Your road to the White House is rocky, tortuous and long. Keep the faith! I want you to get there so please get there. Thanks.
7 Feb
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
Correction:An earlier tweet today I used the word "radiate," it s/b "irradiate." So if Israel bombs Iran, Iran could make Hormuz radioactive
7 Feb
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
On the pre-emptive strike on Iran: With no oil in the Mideast, Israel's voice will be loud like my Tweet; with it, it deafens humanity.

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