Sunday, February 19, 2012

Thoughts On God - Sunday, February 19, 2012

Creation defined: Making something from nothing.

Only God is able to create. The ability to have thought is an integral part of and subordinate to Creation. The concept of evolution, resulting from thought, is a subset of thought and a distant derivative of Creation.

Creation is good but not everything derived from it is good or benign like the theory of evolution. Throughout the ages, many thoughts turned into working concepts, which in turn became realities. The wheel, cooking with fire, the Internet and an implantable wireless chip that delivers medications and drugs to the human body [1] are all realities but not all good.

The wheel had led to automobiles that led to fossil fuel consumption that led to wars that continue to this day. Cooking with fire had led to gas stoves that led to food consumption that led to people over-stuffing themselves and obesity. The Internet had led to computers that led to smart phones that led to interactive televisions and other electronic gadgets with quick obsolescence that contribute to non-degradable matters that make the land and water on earth more and more toxic. The implantable wireless chip that delivers medications and drugs is still too new to know its eventual path but I surmise that it will be used by some governments to control the populace, by taking away God’s two most precious gifts to all: life and free choice. [2]


[2] After reading the article, I Tweeted the following:

Al in SF @Al_in_SF

The temptation to mandate the use of wireless drug chip[s] echoes the first temptation Satan presented to Eve & Adam.

18 Feb Al in SF Al in SF @Al_in_SF

Satan is known as the master of disguise. The wireless drug chip is life-controlling disguised as life-saving.

18 Feb Al in SF Al in SF @Al_in_SF

Satan is forever perfecting man's imperfections.

18 Feb Al in SF Al in SF @Al_in_SF

To want a wireless drug delivery chip in your body is to give to Satan God's gift to you - your life.

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