Tuesday, February 7, 2012

My Tweets

Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
Pure Greed is not a secular evil; denying it is.
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
A Feb 3 tweet on Pure Greed comes true: 2010 Obama: Superpacs threatens democracy. 2012 Obama: Supports a superpac supporting him.
1 hour ago
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
A retired general said Iran would retaliate against Israel's bombing by targeting US interests.That's so yesterday. Just radiate the Hormuz.
1 hour ago
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
Israel says it plans to bomb Iran. I wonder if Putin will soon say: Not. Nyet.
1 hour ago
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
Critics say Obama was "cocky" b/c he walked out of a gathering with #41 present before the next speaker Jeb Bush spoke. No, just unrefined.
1 hour ago
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
It is no secret that the only way to shrink the enormous US debt is to inflate the US dollar.
2 hours ago
Ron Paul
RepRonPaul Ron Paul
The Federal Reserve's explicit goal: Devalue the dollar 33% - Forbes onforb.es/znzE4V
3 hours ago
Retweeted by Al_in_SF
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
#43 was the Decider and #44 is the Divider.
2 hours ago
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
Obama who himself used speech to get into the White House now wants to silence the voice of the religious in God's House.
2 hours ago
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
The depth of a man's love is measured by the pain of his loss.
11 hours ago
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
A trophy static in a Man Cave collects dust and loses its luster but the living pain of defeat continually polishes a man's character.
11 hours ago
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
Or is it Shocked & Awwwww? Bush #43 SHOCKED to find no WMDs in Iraq and he said awwww because so many died and Iraq is still a mess.
12 hours ago
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
But maybe there was! Saddam Hussein drew WMDs with Uni-ball Fanthom Erasable Gel Ink Pens on paper but erased them when Shock & Awe started.
12 hours ago
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
To correct a spelling error in an earlier tweet: it's phantom WMDs, not fanthom WMDs.There's no such thing as a Uniball Fanthom Erasable WMD
13 hours ago
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
Al'sStupidPhysics:1st,2nd,3rd dimensions:L,W,H; 4th,5th,6th:mass,speed,time;7th:human spirit;8th:coincidence;9th:evil; past9th:boundlessness
19 hours ago
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
That's the way I see the world: hands over my face and through my fingers, but I fight those epic battles between good & evil head on.
20 hours ago
Matha Spella
Swaggin_MathaSp Matha Spella
I cover my face while watching scary movies, then watch it through my fingers. #teamfollowback #followme
22 hours ago
Retweeted by Al_in_SF
Matha Spella
Swaggin_MathaSp Matha Spella
Id rather be hurt by the truth, than protected by a lie. #teamfollowback
6 Feb
Retweeted by Al_in_SF
Matha Spella
Swaggin_MathaSp Matha Spella
People that dont know me think Im shy. People that do know me wish I were. #teamfollowback
6 Feb
Retweeted by Al_in_SF
Matha Spella
Swaggin_MathaSp Matha Spella
Happiness is where we find it, but rarely where we seek it. #teamfollowback
6 Feb
Retweeted by Al_in_SF
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
ATweet4Twitter: Although I hope to get in on Facebook's IPO offering but it is Twitter that I can't wait to invest in if ever it goes public
22 hours ago
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
A Tweet 4 Twitter: It is fast becoming my favorite place to blog but I still work on my Google blog at lemomentdepaix.blogspot.com
22 hours ago
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
God gave the Chosen Ones richness in Christ and the Arabs wealth in oil. Who says God isn't fair?
23 hours ago
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
This new economically and technologically globalized world cannot function with family feuds that began before Christ still brewing.
6 Feb
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
Reagan spent $ on an arms race with Russia. Bush #43 spent $ on fanthom WMDs and the oil business. Obama spending $ on socialist programs.
6 Feb
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
Reagan said the economy will eventually grow enough to cover his deficit spending and the then-mounting US debt except only the debt grew.
6 Feb
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
Reagan and Obama are merely actors on a stage reading well-written scripts that pull at patriotic heart strings and spending recklessly.
6 Feb
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
The Berlin Wall came down and behind it were these entitlement countries that are still dependent on a now-insolvent western Europe.
6 Feb
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
The Reagan debt numbers can be found at lmmartin.hubpages.com/hub/The-United…
6 Feb
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
With all due respect to Reagan fans, Ronnie started his term with 980mil of debt and left it with 2.6trillion of debt but nobody blames him.
6 Feb
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
So, who else besides Gronkowski can catch Tom Brady's ball?
5 Feb
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
And Jerry Rice who caught Joe Montana's and Steve Young's long touchdown throws.
5 Feb
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
I miss the days of Joe Montana and Steve Young of the 49ers who ran with the ball and threw short passes.
5 Feb
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
NY Giants played well. How well will Obama do? It's going to be close one (back-tracking my earlier prediction for a Romney win).
5 Feb
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
Muscatine, Iowa news: "Heartland Return for Chinese Leader" see online.wsj.com/article/SB1000…
4 Feb
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
D.Trump is too loud to be irrelevant and too irrelevant to make a difference with his endorsement.
3 Feb
Ben Romney
BenRomney Ben Romney
We have been dealt a hand of 4 of a kind in Nevada and Donald Trump is our ass in the hole. Or do I mean ace? #gop
2 Feb
Retweeted by Al_in_SF
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
Too soon to be giddy: The true measure of economic recovery can be found in one hard figure:TAX REVENUE MINUS COST OF UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS.
3 Feb
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
The linkage Obama does not want: A BIG spender just like Bush#43--each oblivious to his mismanagement of the country's finances. Vote4Romney
3 Feb
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
Bush #43 does not understand money b/c he grew up with too much of it. Obama does not understand money b/c he grew up with too little of it.
3 Feb
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
The Ultimate Irony -- Obama: The socialist version of Bush #43.
3 Feb
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
8 years of Bush#43 gave showed us the worst of capitalism: pure greed. 8 years of Obama will give us the worst of socialism: pure greed.
3 Feb
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
My apologies, Prez BO. In the heat of passion below, I confused you, #44, with Bush #43 since you guys are similarly yet differently inept.
2 Feb
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
Mr. President:The Holy Spirit is a silent spirit. If it enters, it fills you completely with absolute peace and expands-just be careful tho.
2 Feb
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
By the way, Mr. President, the Holy Spirit does not intercede and tell you what to say. You should call Bush #44 and talk to God together.
2 Feb
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
President Obama: God and Christ are not to be used as political tools-the fact that you are using them as your pawns says a lot about you.
2 Feb
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
The Change in Obama: Inspirational > Hopeful > Sullen > Condescending > Defiant > Preachy > ... to be continued as campaign season picks up.
2 Feb
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
Being the poorest of the poor, the United States with trillions of debt has no sympathy from Obama - he's only making the country poorer.
2 Feb
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
Not surprised by Donald Trump's endorsement of Mitt Romney rather than his earlier favorite since he's always quick to dump a loser.
2 Feb
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
Poor man's dream realized by Obama: spending money he does not have but gets it from a machine that prints legal tender.
2 Feb
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
Will Obama earn money from speeches post-presidency?No. What capitalist will pay for socialism & what socialist will pay for an entitlement?
1 Feb
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
Obama's "Two-term Fund" should instead be the "Life-Term Entitlement Fund For The Embittered".
1 Feb
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
Obama's cronyism is "Deficit Cronyism" NOT "Capital Cronyism" because US has NO capital. It has continuous deficits that add to its debt.
1 Feb
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
Gingrich challenges FL's winner-takes-all rule. He's the only candidate oblivious of it. Can a cry-baby who's inept or senile be president?
1 Feb
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
After criticizing Romney for eliminating Kosher food for holocaust survivors, Gingrich then proposed food with eye of newt for old witches.
31 Jan
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
Speaking of unrealistic expectations, I would like Mitt Romney to win CA in November. (Romney will be the republican presidential nominee.)
31 Jan
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
Saying Mitt Romney's win in FL should have been more impressive could only come from an Asian whose parents have stratospheric expectations.
31 Jan
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
Herman Cain endorses Newt Gingrich. Wonderful! They can both go on the campaign trail and espouse their opinions on marriage [in]fidelity.
28 Jan
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
That's the star I was waiting to see in Mitt Romney and it was shining tonight during the debate in Jacksonville FL. Bravo!! Mitt Romney!!
26 Jan
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
Hillary is resigning! Has she just elected Mitt Romney? Her vote is like the equivalent of all the swing states.
26 Jan
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
Icy intellect can be a heady experience when it is on fire and like fire, it can burn both ways.
26 Jan
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
Obama said the rich should pay more taxes. He's wrong. I say the not-so-rich should not have to pay any taxes.
25 Jan
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
My definition of socialism: Ask not what you want do with your money, ask your country to do what it wants with it.
23 Jan
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
Huffpost community moderator Dallas Don's slogan: Four More For Forty-Four! My answer: Survive And Vote For Forty-Five!
16 Jan
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
2012 - I have one follower but Twitter can't seem to find that person LOL.
7 Jan
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
When Obama spoke of change, I had no idea he meant that I was going to change from a liberal to a libertarian. LOL!!
3 Dec
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
Dirty Oil Sands | Oklahoma Family Fights Land Grab for Canadian Tar Sands Oil Pipeline dirtyoilsands.org/news/article/o…
20 Jul
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
I can't wait to see Kelso v TransCanada being argued in front of a new US Supreme Court to overturn Kelo v City of New London.
20 Jul
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
Sue Kelso, stand your ground. Reverse Kelo v. City of New London, 545 U.S. 469 (2005). Justices Souter and Stevens left. You have a chance.
20 Jul
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
Pork prices in China rose 50%. Try chicken, the original white meat.
12 Jul
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
The deadly German strain of E.coli has sickened two in Bordeaux, France. It has a name: 01O4:H4 but no birth place. Not yet anyway.
27 Jun
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
When China's streams, rivers & lakes are probably too toxic for e-coli to survive, they are alive and well in a stream in Hesse, Germany.
19 Jun
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
Wanting proof, a Bill Warren is diving for bin Laden's remains. The one dying to prove he's not dead is bin Laden himself, except he's dead.
14 Jun
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
known for precision in engineering (mechanical, enviro- & nuclear) Germany quit nuclear, is struggling with e-coli but has good Porsches.
6 Jun
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
@kseeker6599 good to see you on here :)
3 Jun
Al in SF
Al_in_SF Al in SF
Germany to shut down all nuclear plants thinking it is earthquake-prone with a history of tsunamis leading to a Fukushima-style meltdown :-]

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