Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Wishful Thinking: Carbon Tax Problem Solved Instantly

The "Gilet Jaune (Yellow Vest)" riots in Paris and other parts of France have been on-going for some time.  On December 11, 2018, CBS News  reported that "the mass-protests which have been seized upon by extremists of all stripes for four weeks in a row" would continue, and that "[a] leader of the Yellow Vest movement indicated that the demonstrations would go ahead. Christophe Chalencon, a blacksmith from southern France who has become a leader of the protest movement, told the Reuters news agency that Macron's peace offering was not enough." [1]

The article continue to report that "[t]he crisis began as protests against a planned fuel tax hike (which Macron has abandoned), but quickly mushroomed into a broad and visceral demonstration of anti-government resentment aimed squarely at the president, who is seen by many as being out of touch with the working French." [2]

The previous post mentioned the Amish people for the second time in this blog.  The first time was a post dated November 10, 2015, entitled Top Christian Turns Investment Advisor  in which this blogger suggested the use of nuclear power to replace fossil fuel, and that people should live like  some of the Amish who do not drive cars, as confirmed by britannica.com: "The Old Order Amish shun personal home-based telephones but will occasionally use a communal one. They also eschew automobiles. They ride bicycles and drive horse-drawn buggies instead, though many of them will, on occasion and in emergencies, ride in cars, trains, and buses operated by others." [3]

Sadly, the talk nowadays focuses on "green energy" as if it can be created out of nothing.  No matter how "green" the energy is, it has to depend on fossil fuel for its development, and whatever that would be developed would in time need to be replaced.  What would be discarded would likely not biodegrade, thus causing toxicity to seep into the ground, contaminating the water supply.

Although "green energy" may appear "green" or environmentally neutral to some, it nonetheless has its share of negatives.  One possible reason that "green" energy is called "green" by those who advocate it is because they see the color of money, the US Dollar, which is called the "greenback" [4], notwithstanding the fact that most life-sustaining plants put out leaves that are green in color.  If this is the truth, then the proponents of "green energy" probably do not have Mother Nature and the good of mankind but rather how big a business it can be as their primary motive.  They also probably do not care for nuclear power because the technology already exists and they would not be able to accumulate wealth in the manner and in the abundance that they would like by developing new proprietary products and sell them at a premium.

However, they are not the ones that ought to be singled out for they are only few in number.  It is the rest of the world, those in developed countries (this blogger included) who are reluctant to give up convenience and comfort, the wealthy ones their luxuries, as well as those in developing countries wanting the very things that rely on cheap energy that those in the developed world have enjoyed for so long.

In reality, nobody really cares about clean energy.  Everyone cares about money and standards of living.  The French "yellow jacket" rioters are no different than anybody else in the world.  If people who claim to be environmentalists were truly concerned, they would live like the Old Order Amish and there would be no need for a carbon tax and Macron's problem would be solved, instantly.

If nations were truly concerned, they would stop manufacturing weapons of mass destruction, most of which rely on fossil fuel to operate.

If the leaders of the world, including the pope, are all Old World Amish, it would be foreseeable that planet earth would in time become more and more like the Garden of Eden.

[1] https://www.cbsnews.com/news/paris-riots-france-emmanuel-macron-fails-to-appease-yellow-vest-protesters/
[2] Ibid.
[3] https://www.britannica.com/topic/Amish
[4] https://www.dictionary.com/browse/greenback

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