Sunday, December 9, 2018

Satan Surrogates And Those Demonically Possessed

This entry is also based on conjecture, like the others.  Why this blogger comes up with these strange topics he has no clue.  Anyway, this one is up next.

There is a difference between those demonically possessed and those who are Satan's surrogates.

Satan's surrogates choose to do Satan's work in accordance with their individual Free Will by finding substitutes for God, and there are a plethora of them, some can be as basic as a mere suggestion as opposed to something that is tangible.

Those demonically possessed, sometimes dramatized by foaming at the mouth, super-human strength, levitation, anger, violent actions and the like, do not act out of Free Will.  Evil enters them for one reason or another.  During the possession, they seemed to be so consumed by it that they appear to have no ability to devise skillful plans to tempt, defraud and deviate a person's path toward God and turn it toward Satan.

Once the demons are being driven out, those demonically possessed return to a normal life.  They do not then act as Satan's minions, assuming they had never chosen freely to do Satan's work.  This cannot be said of those who have wilfully chosen to serve Satan, for no exorcist can free one from one's choice to align oneself with Satan regardless of how many exorcisms are performed.

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