Sunday, December 9, 2018

Satan's Ways

Satan delights in ruining souls.  The way Satan ruins a soul is to convince man to exercise his Free Will to extinguish eternal light and proceed toward eternal darkness.  Not even the angel seer, having published books and conducted interviews will ever be able to insist that Hell does not exist unless she is already damned and working for Satan by opening the door for people so they could take the path of decent toward Hell.

The blogger's imagination continues.  This metaphoric door that is opened does not reveal the true darkness of Hell but is a false hope of eternal light placed into the minds of those willing to believe it.  This false hope is similar to false advertising.  What is promised is too good to be true and is not true.

Everything Satan touches is replete with deception.  Likewise, anything that is false and misleading has Satan behind it.  So,what are Satan's ways?   Impersonation of God and camouflaging deceit against the background of truth.  This is what an article said about the Antichrist which could very well apply equally to the forerunners of the Antichrist [1]:

The name of Antichrist has been synonymous with evil down through the ages, but the truth is that when he [/she, both and neither] is finally revealed, the majority of people will not recognize him [/her, both and neither] as the Antichrist. He [/She, both and neither] will not appear repellent; on the contrary, he [/she, both and neither] will be someone who is talented, and ambitious to solve the world’s problems.

How does Satan impersonate God?   It mocks Christ by showing its diabolical powers, healing those who need it.  In the book this blogger is reading [2], the author(s) [3] implied that by her intervention, as directed by the angels she saw, had turned certain people's lives around, making them better.  It was so heart-warming to read these stories, believing them to be real and truthful.  Whether such healings came from God or Satan this blogger cannot be absolutely sure.

However, on two occasions so far (into the book), having been lulled into a false sense of comfort and security, that sense was shattered. [*]  The first occasion was when he read about a dog that had died had been taken to Heaven to wait for the owner, even though the author(s) said that animals do not have souls, in order that the dog could comfort the owner.  It is unclear to this blogger whether the comforting of the owner would take place after the owner had died or while the owner was still alive or both.  This is the first time that this blogger is aware of that a dead dog could comfort a person, seemingly replacing God, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Blessed Virgin, the true Consolers of souls from Heaven.  To say that a dead dog can console a person, this cannot be from God.  Does the owner of the dog then pray to the dog?  Satan would be happy if the dog owner did or if the dog owner had begun to do so after the author and the dog owner had a conversation as directed by the angels she saw.

The second occasion was when the author(s) was (were) on the topic of suicide.  She, supported by the angels she saw, had the audacity to state that everyone has the potential to reach a point of desperation, insinuating that everyone has the potential to take one's own life.  This is false: those who love and follow God faithfully will never think of committing suicide no matter how depressed.  Then immediately, the author(s) stated God's truth, that nobody is supposed to end one's own life.  She and the angels must be really scared to say the opposite because God would be very angry since every life is a gift from God and nobody should end it by choice.  A few paragraphs later, the author(s) again said that nobody is supposed to take one's own life but then she added that the angels told her that if a person did commit suicide, the person's soul would be enveloped in God's love and taken to Heaven.  This statement has the potential to encourage people who are on the verge of committing suicide who are reading these words to actually kill themselves, thus rejecting God's gift of life, God's love for them, thus their souls may not go to Heaven.  This blogger prays for those who had killed and would kill themselves from reading the book cited below would be forgiven because of the strong evil forces that could not be overcome.

In summary, Satan's ways are mockery of Christ, pretending to have powers of healing, and camouflaging lies by inserting them against the background of truth.  Here is a video of various kinds of camouflages in the animal kingdom, the pigmy seahorse, the reef stonefish, the dead leaf butterfly are this blogger's favorite on this You Tube video [4]

One more speculation: the author of the book cited here had mentioned an angel that has no name and that she could not see but had from time to time instructed her.  She could not see it because she was physically immobilized in such a way that she would be unable to turn around to look at it.  This does not sound heavenly to this blogger since there is no need for any Heavenly entity to hide in the shadow.  If he were to guess the name of this angel, it would be Lucifer.  Had the human author been permitted to turn around and see the face of Satan, it would be so frightful that the human author would turn around immediately, face God and pray incessantly for pardon and mercy.

Those deceived by Satan need to be prayed for in order that they see the light, reject Satan and follow God.

[2] Byrne, Lorna. Love From Heaven. Simon & Shuster, Inc. 2014.
[3] The word author has "s" in parenthesis because the blogger is not sure whether there is just the one author who is human or the book is collaborative work between the human author and certain angels.
[*] At this moment, this blogger's plugged-in and fully-charged laptop screen suddenly went dark.  What happened?  It had to be shut down and re-booted.  Is there some energy that does not wish for this blogger to continue?  This entry was started last night.  After the computer was turned off, a drinking glass broke unexpectedly in the sink while it was being washed, causing a small cut in the little finger.  Is this blogger entering into unforbidden territory?  He is a bit scared but with prayer, he will continue.
[4] (pigmy seahorse), (reef stonefish), (dead leaf butterfly).  Pigmy seahorse photos on google:

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