Saturday, December 8, 2018

Learning About The Soul

"Your soul has made no mistake.  It's only the human self, the human part of you that makes mistakes" were words spoken by Lorna Byrne, the angel seer [1].  Before receiving Holy Communion, the Catholics say this: "Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed." [2]

If the soul does not make mistakes, then why does it need to be healed?  Lorna Bryne who had said that she was Catholic had not commented on this, so this blogger would have to come up with something to make sense of it.

This blogger thinks that both positions are correct, and he reconciles this seeming contradiction by means of an analogy.  He thinks of the human immune system.  It always does something to try and heal the body when it is sick.  Sometimes, it is successful, sometimes not.  When it is successful, the body returns to its healthy state.  When it fails, whatever disease takes over and the body dies.

The fact that the body can no longer stay alive does not mean that the immune system had made a mistake.  The immune system, perfect in all of its functions and working tirelessly until the body's last breath, simply gives out because whatever that is attacking the body is too powerful for it to overcome.

The immune system can therefore be compared to the soul that is never wrong, and the disease attacking the body can be compared to the human part that makes mistakes, causing sickness.  This is not to say that every incurable disease is caused by human mistakes even though an argument can be made that it is.  This contention is beyond the scope of this entry.

When a person makes mistakes by sinning, the soul suffers and needs healing.  When the immune system has been weakened, it too, needs healing.  In either case, neither the soul nor the immune system had made a mistake even though they both need healing from time to time.

Thus, there is no contradiction between Lorna Byrne's position that the soul does not make a mistake and the Catholic Church's position that the soul needs healing.  The soul needs healing after it is infected by sin and the only One Who can heal the soul so infected is the Lord.  Likewise, the body needs healing after it is exposed to a disease and only the immune system provided by God can bring the body back to health.


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