Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Human Rights - Pope Needs To Learn To Point The Finger At Himself

Quoted in part below without references is from a zenit.org  article entitled Pope’s Appeal: Human Rights Must Be at Center, Do Not Fear Going Against the Grain, dated December 10, 2018 [1], with this blogger's suggested text in brackets:

"...observing carefully our contemporary societies, numerous contradictions are found that induce us to ask ourselves if the equal dignity of all human beings, solemnly proclaimed 70 years ago, is truly recognized, respected, protected and promoted in every circumstance. Numerous forms of injustice persist today in the world, fueled by reductive anthropological vision and by an economic model founded on profit [together with a religious model founded on power], which doesn’t [don't] hesitate to exploit, to reject and even to kill man [throughout time, recalling the many wars and the Crusades]. While a part of humanity lives in opulence, [including myself and many bishops, priests and brothers,] another part sees its dignity unknown, scorned and trampled and its fundamental rights ignored and violated.

I think, among other things, of the unborn who are denied the right to come to the world; of those that don’t have access to the indispensable means for a fitting life; of all those that are excluded from an adequate education, and who are unjustly deprived of work or constrained to work as slaves; of those that are detained in inhuman conditions, who suffer torture or to whom the possibility is denied of being redeemed; of the victims of forced disappearances and of their families[; of those sexually abused].

My thought also goes to all those that live in an atmosphere dominated by suspicion and contempt, who are the object of acts of intolerance, discrimination and violence by reason of their racial, ethnic, national or religious belonging.

Finally, I cannot but remember all those that suffer multiple violations of their fundamental rights, in the tragic context of armed conflicts, while unscrupulous merchants of death enrich themselves at the price of the blood of their brothers and sisters.

In face of these grave phenomena, we are all called into question. In fact, when fundamental rights are violated, or when some are privileged at the expense of others, or when they are only guaranteed to specific groups [such as the College of Cardinals and their secular equivalent], then grave injustices are verified, which in turn fuel conflicts with heavy consequences, be it within individual Nations [and religious organizations], be it in the relations between [and among] them.

Therefore, each one is called to contribute with courage and determination, in the specificity of one’s own role, to respect the fundamental rights of every person, especially the “invisible” ones, of so many that hunger and thirst, are [abused,] naked, sick, strangers or detained (Cf. Matthew 25:35-36), who live on the margins of society and are rejected [by those with the power and means to help them.]

This exigency of justice and solidarity has special significance for us [delete us] Christians [who are not hypocrites], because the Gospel itself invites us to turn our gaze to the littlest of our brothers and sisters, to be moved to compassion (Cf. Matthew 14:14) and to commit ourselves concretely [without taking] to alleviate their sufferings.

On this occasion, I wish to make a heartfelt appeal to all those that have institutional responsibilities [including myself], asking them [delete them] [ourselves] to put human rights at the center of all policies, including those of cooperation for development, even when that means going against the current.

With the hope that these days of reflection may reawaken consciences and inspire initiatives geared to protect and promote human dignity, I entrust each one of you, your families and your peoples to the intercession of Mary Most Holy, Queen of Peace, and I invoke upon all an abundance of divine blessings.

From the Vatican, December 10, 2018


[1] https://zenit.org/articles/popes-appeal-human-rights-must-be-at-center-do-not-fear-going-against-the-grain/

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