Friday, December 7, 2018

UPDATED: Disturbing Thoughts: Lorna Byrne - Who Is She?

"Does Purgatory Exist?" was a post published yesterday, December 7, 2018.  These were the concluding words: "... the Truth is for God to know and not this blogger to conclude."  They may prove to be somewhat prophetic since Lorna Byrne could very well be a false prophetess, according to a blog post entitled "Lorna Byrne - False Prophetess?" [1]  If she is a false prophetess, then this blogger was misled, for he had written these words that began the first part of the conclusion: "...this blogger prefers to believe Lorna Byrne than the saints in the article cited who spoke of Purgatory..."

The more this blogger thinks about what Lorna Byrne had said, the more his interior peace is being troubled, despite the many things she had said were comforting, as well as some that were consistent with this blogger's own knowledge and experience.  Her statement on reincarnation was disturbing [2] and so was her blessing of members of the audience seen on a You Tube video.  Before the blessing she said this [3]:  "And after my death, you will know all about the blessing 'cause the letter has already been written (then the translation, then she continued) it's all good (and she laughed)..."  When this blogger heard this, it sacred him.  Before saying this, she said that God had said that it was your free will to come (forward for a blessing) or not.  By including this statement which is true since it is always a person's choice to choose to remain with God or go with Satan.  This blogger would never let her bless him because he would be afraid what kind of words she was reciting in silence which could be some kind of demonic incantation.

Perhaps Purgatory does exist after all!  It does not matter if one knows for sure so long as one tries his/her best to do good in accordance with the teachings of Christ.

If Lorna Byrne's is being used by the dark side, does that mean that the end is beginning, when the world begins to see forerunners of the Antichrist?  There was another interesting exchange.  Lorna Byrne was asked if she had recently met the Queen of Angels [4] together with a second question.  She avoided answering the first question directly which was disturbing since the Queen of Angels is the Mother of God, the Woman that crushes the Serpent's head and by not answering the question, Lorna Byrne seemed to be afraid of Her as Satan is afraid of Her.

Miraculously, another person from the audience asked if she had met the Virgin Mary [5] to which she referred to one of her books, and she said in her book she had written that she had seen Her but had to ask who She was since she was a child on a swing.  Most visionaries who had seen the Blessed Mother would comment on Her beauty but Lorna Byrne did not seem to care to elaborate further which is uncharateristic of her, and unlike her answers to some questions to which she was happy to spend a long time answering including describing in detail what some of the angels were wearing and how they had appeared to her but not the Queen of Angels Who did not seem to interest Lorna Byrne in the least.  There appeared to be some distance between her and the Blessed Virgin Mary which could mean that Lorna Byrne is afraid of Her.

Who is Lorna Byrne?  Is she a messenger from Heaven or from Hell?

[2] Ibid.

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