Sunday, May 1, 2016

Orationi Gaudium (The Joy Of Prayer)

Orationi Gaudium is this blogger's invention, two supposedly Latin words loosely translated to mean the Joy of Prayer. Unlike the 288-page Evangelii Gaudium [1], this is no exhortation of any kind on any level.  This is just another entry written by the ever-bored and boring dreamer, one that will not fill up a page (footnotes excepted).

Prayer is a language of the heart that every human with or without a religion knows, for before there was a spoken language or a religion, there was a man and a woman, both of God's creation, in communion with God, in the silence of their hearts.

Intellect is secondary, and unnecessary in the Garden of Eden, since God had provided Adam and Eve with everything they ever needed.  However, to complete them in the image of the Creator, they were each given a mind to think, an intellect independent of each other's, and Free Will that is intellect's companion.  As wonderful as intellect is and the Free Will that goes with it, God's creation can live without an intellect [2] (and Free Will) but cannot without a beating heart [3].

It is the beating heart that God listens to, when it is opened up under prayer to synchronize with the rhythm and sounds of Heaven.  It is the heart, not the intellect, that first knows when God is replying, when it is full of inexplicable joy and peace.  When the ecstasy in the heart is taking place, the intellect disappears, for God's concentrated love is so pure, intense and expansive that the intellect is pushed beyond its planes of existence. [4]

Only prayer with true love for God from within the heart can the joy of prayer be realized.  The prayer does not have to be long; it only has to be real.

[2] "Alzheimer's is not a normal part of aging.  It is progressive and incurable, a debilitating condition that slowly destroys memory, intellect and personality."  See's%20destroys%20the%20intellect&f=false
[3] A creature of man's creation, however, can exist without a heart, for a short time and not naturally.  "Every animal has a pulsatile heart, Dr. Cohn explained.  The problem with existing artificial hearts is that to do the same job, they have to beat 100,000 times a day, 35 million times a year.  They wear out, he explained.  With a car, you can change the oil and spark plugs -- with an artificial heart, it is not so easy to keep the device going."  See  This blogger is no heart specialist, but believes that the heart is not just a non-stop pulsing machine; rather it is a living organism that does more than just pump blood: it is the life source of every other organ in the body and it can, in its own God-given way, think and know, not as the intellect thinks and knows.  The heart thinks and knows God's Truth whereas the intellect thinks and knows an altered truth, a rationalized truth, a truth that is very much tainted by Original Sin.
[4] Intellect is always secondary to love, on earth as it is in Heaven.  Love, wherever it exists, in its pure and undiluted form, the love that Jesus had reminded all to give, that He had given to all, at Golgotha, is not subject to analysis by the intellect because it is not something the intellect can comprehend.  Whenever pure love permeates an environment, the intellect lays dormant for there is only time for bliss and no time for questions.

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