Sunday, May 8, 2016

Mother's Day

Man's first mother fell victim to Satan's temptation in the Garden of Eden.  Then came Mary, the Immaculate Conception (conceived without Original Sin) and the Mother of God, Who was born to show man the way back to God.

Sadly, the modern woman is not at all like the Blessed Virgin Mary, for she is not the humble daughter before God and the attentive mother to her children.  If every woman in the world raised her children in a family setting where she is not only the loving mother but also the supportive spouse who loves God and leads the entire family to the Blessed Virgin Mary and Her Son, Jesus, the world would be a better place.

However, many modern women would rather not assume the role of the supportive wife and the attentive mother of her children for she perceives that her place is not in the home but outside of it.  Society in certain respects is better off with women in the work force based on the reality that the family unit is no longer ideal, with an at-home mother, a working father, God at its center and children to raise.

One reason that has driven many women away from the home is the depreciation in the value of the role of the at-home mother, so central to raising children to become good citizens of the world, combined with the bitterness of fathers who are unable to conceive sons but only daughters, who then want their daughters to be like sons, to do what men traditionally do, to conduct business, to take up arms and defend against attackers and to participate in sports that are driven by masculinity and testosterone.

There is no doubt that these modern women do not have as their model the Blessed Virgin Mary Who is seemingly meek because She is obedient to God, supportive of Her earthly spouse Joseph and attentive to Her Divine Son, Jesus.

On the contrary, the Blessed Virgin Mary is not at all meek, for how many of the strongest is able to live a life of humility unaffected by Satan's temptations?

Granted that the Blessed Virgin Mary was as perfect a Mother as a mother can be because She was conceived without Original Sin.  In that sense, no woman is like Her, other than the fallen Eve, who was created by God without Original Sin.  Eve was truly the meek one, subservient to Satan and submissive to Its desire to ruin God's creation: herself and Adam.

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