Saturday, May 7, 2016

Randomness And Purposeful Creation

Scientists have theories on how the universe began.  One Stephen Hawking posted a lecture entitled The Origin of the Universe  [1].  In the end, he was unable to answer the question as to how his own being came into existence.  What is the purpose of theorizing the beginning of the universe without acknowledging its Creator, God, when one has does not even have the slightest clue where one originates from?

There is none.

Anyone who is incapable of laying a foundation as to where the "self" came from can have no validity.  To have validity, there has to be a meaningful foundation, which can be scientific as well as  faith-based.  An existence without an established foundation is a random existence out of pure chance that has no meaning.  Following it will be another meaningless creature whose chance existence is also a result of randomness.  Out of randomness comes randomness in the way that a meaningless random existence gives rise to meaningless random thoughts and meaningless random theories.  They are worthless and a waste of time, for soon they will be replaced with other invalid, meaningless and short-lived random thoughts and theories.

Those who still think that out of nothing came something so logically sequenced, biologically balanced, naturally occurring and rhythmically repetitive that life on earth can continue from millennium to millennium ought to soften their ossified heart against God and allow their God-given intellect to roam freely, to acknowledge the possibility that a Creator exists and that all of creation is purposeful. [2]

[2] Even the creatures and plants that had been extinct for millennia existed for a purpose.  Are their remains not the earth's fossil fuel that everyone today consumes directly and indirectly? See

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