Friday, May 20, 2016

Transgender Individuals: Unconditional Love's Mystery

Far be it from this blogger to expound on unconditional love, since he has repeatedly admitted that he does not even know what ordinary love is, but he will in this entry.  As usual, he is unashamed of delving into subjects he knows nothing about and opining on them.  Transgenderism is one.

Transgender is an adjective defined as "[d]enoting or relating to a person whose sense of personal identity and gender does not correspond with their birth sex." [1]

First, this blogger is uninformed about the mental challenges of someone who is transgender.  Does transgenderism or gender dysphoria cause some kind of emotional pain so intense that one is incapable of functioning as a person?

From what this blogger has read [2], [3]. [4], transgenderism is not a life-threatening condition, a terminal disease or even a mental illness. [5]  In this blogger's opinion, those who are afflicted with gender dysphoria are challenged in ways similar to those who hate their skin color and ethnicity [6] for are they, too, are subject to stereotyping, discrimination in social and occupational settings and depression.

He is also of the opinion that those who hate their gender is an internal hate that is developed without an abundance of external influences whereas those who hate their skin color and ethnicity is a hate that is largely the result of external factors.

Everyone wants to be accepted by others, but due to prejudices and xenophobia, not everyone is treated with fairness and respect.  This is a societal problem.  When one does not accept oneself, that is a personal problem.

Not every problem has a solution and not every sickness has a cure.  Love of neighbor can cancel out prejudice and xenophobia, but when one has no love for one's own biological identity, there is no real cure.  A sex-change operation is in this blogger's opinion not a cure, but a surgical mutilation of one's natural external form, and not an effective treatment for self-hating transgender people, for no biological man can ever be fully a woman, and no biological woman can ever be fully a man.

This continuous dissatisfaction in the mind of a self-hating transgender being is the least of its problems.  Hating one's own gender is the same as hating God's gift of being and hating God.  Without God there can be no unconditional love, and the place without unconditional love is called Hell. Nobody wants to end up in Hell, and that includes self-hating transgender beings.

Even though God is unconditional love, unconditional love is not always predicated upon the actual presence of God.  The assertion just made is as much a speculation as it is a contradiction.  It is within this contradiction that unconditional love can exist without God's presence and becomes a mystery.  The fundamental meaning of unconditional love is loving without exceptions and contingencies, including loving transgender beings who find God's "misassignment" of gender a gift [9], as well as those who find God's assignment of gender a mistake.

[5] Ibid.

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