Saturday, April 30, 2016

Life's Pains

Life's pains fall into three categories, the physical, the emotional and the spiritual.  Everyone experiences physical pain at some point because of sickness or injury. Mental anguish is painful in a different way, and can arise out of misunderstandings, depression, fear, despair and so on. Spiritual pain is elusive and hard to pinpoint because of its painless nature; it occurs when God is not answering, when one is abandoned and truly alone.  In mysterious ways, it affects the entire being even though one may not be aware of it.

Jesus suffered all three kinds of pain, physical pain from the scourging and the crown of thorns [1], mental anguish while praying at the Garden of Gethsemane [2], and spiritual pain when He was on the cross crying out to God [3].

One would like to think that all pains would come to an end at death but that may not be so certain for there is a place so miserable that pain will last an eternity, the kind that suffering souls in Hell would know.

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