Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Love And Possession

God created man to have the absolute freedom to love or not love, but man never really understood it or accepted it. Had man not been given the freedom not to love God, he would be a puppet.  God did not create puppets, but man often desires to have puppets.

This blogger is in no position to express any opinion on love for he has never been in love but as usual, he is never shy to opine on things he knows nothing about.  Ergo, he starts his drivel once again.

He understands that possession and jealousy can be very much a part of a relationship.  Married couples seem to want to own each other, setting invisible boundaries neither is supposed to cross, as if not crossing them in front of each other can be offered as conclusive proof of fidelity and love. Adulterous thoughts and actions that occur behind each other's back are matters that are not discussed or simply denied.

What he does not understand is why possession of another in a marriage is the norm, why the wedding ring is worn to signify that one has been taken, as the chattel of another, and why two adults, supposedly in a loving relationship, have conflicts over who is to assume the role of the puppet or the puppeteer.

Why not let each other be, so that both can love fully and freely?  After all, love cannot be owned: it can only be given.

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