Saturday, April 23, 2016

Is Education Overrated?

Whether an education is overrated depends on the purpose of life.  If it is solely to love God with all of one's heart, soul, mind and strength and to love one's neighbor as oneself [1], [2], [3], then the answer is yes.  For most people, the answer is no because life is about having a good education that would open doors that lead to a well-paying job.  For those who are in the medical or medical-related fields, their work not only earn them a living but also help others lead healthful and productive lives.

Altruism is usually not the offshoot of an education; rather intellectual dishonesty, greed, avarice and malice are, and are commonplace in the legal, financial, technology and defense fields.

Has the educated man, in general, failed to realize that his purpose is to "inherit eternal life" [4],  having been too caught up with the idea that life is about staying ahead of the competition, indulging in secular self-righteousness and living among well-to-do and self-sufficient neighbors who do not need his love?

If he has failed, and continues to fail and fail again, can he make up for his past failures? Can loving God and other less fortunate neighbors come later in life, after having attained a level of comfort, so that he does not himself become the needy neighbor but is the neighbor with the time and the means to provide for the needs of others?

If "yes" answers both questions, then to what extent must this love be and how long must this love be given in order to "inherit eternal life" [5]?  This blogger has no idea and does not wish to speculate.  Each person is different and God has called each person to Heaven in a different way.  Whether one with an education [6] or without one [7] is called to love God and neighbor is God's choice.  Whether an individual with an education or without one wishes to love God and neighbor is that individual's choice.

[4] Ibid.
[5] Ibid.
[6]  Albertus Magnus' love for God is certain; his love of neighbor is assumed.
[7] Sante Bernadette Soubirous' love for God is certain; her love of neighbor is assumed.

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