Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Eradication Of Sin And Purification Of The Soul

Mother Angelica believed that the reason for her stroke was for "'purification.'" [1]  Strokes and other physical ailments are not necessarily the only forms of purification.  This blogger believes that being at the service of others is also a form of purification.  The nuns who cared for Mother Angelica, cleaned her, bathed her, cooked for her, fed her, clothed her and attended to her every need daily were also undergoing purification.

Purification is possible in the flesh only when the suffering is accepted with humility and the caring is performed with love. Being angry at God for one's suffering or mistreating those under one's care cancels the gift of purification, the consequence of which could be an extended period in Purgatory.  That is the good news; an eternity in Hell is the bad.  As Mother Angelica said, "'People don't understand what it means to go to hell.'" [2]

At some point, every soul will find out.  It is better to grasp the gravity of Mother Angelica's admonishment while the soul still has a body in order for purification to take place, for no one, certainly no soul, wants the  bad news.

In this light, suffering in humility is not a bitter pill, as difficult to believe and as painful as it is, but a certain sweetness that is the key to Heaven.  All sinners experience suffering, some less, others more, including saints who lead pure and holy lives, because suffering and  the humble acceptance of the suffering release the weight of Original Sin, allowing the soul to float peacefully toward God.

What about those who do not believe in God or Heaven or Hell?  Many of them suffer quietly and care lovingly for others too.  This blogger is not quite sure what happens to their souls at death although he is fairly certain that those who do believe in God can by their prayers save the unbelievers' souls from Satan's embrace. [3]  They are the occasional intercessors on earth for some whereas Mary, the Virgin Mother, is the  constant intercessor in Heaven for all.

The Virgin Mary Who was born without Original Sin and had committed no other sin and Who loved purely was the only person Who was assumed into Heaven without any suffering.

Jesus, the Son of God, suffered, but His suffering was not for Himself but for those tainted with Original Sin, to save them from being banished from Heaven, not to guarantee them entry.  Entry into Heaven requires the permanent eradication of Original Sin and its derivatives.  Purification consists of one's unconditional love, humble suffering and death.  When it is completed, the pure and sinless soul ought to be ready for Heaven. [4]

Humble suffering is neither quick nor unconditional love easy.  Anyone who is looking for a short cut to eternity, despite having to suffer and to die, the door to Hell is always open, its numerous entrances are everywhere on earth, welcoming the proud, the depraved and the malevolent.

[1] http://www.ewtn.com/motherangelica/life.asp, scroll to February 13, 2002.
[2] http://www.ewtn.com/motherangelica/life.asp, scroll to December 7, 2001.
[3] One must believe in God in order to see God.
[4] Should purification during life be insufficient for entry into Heaven, the blessed souls are allowed to enter Purgatory should they choose to do so.  Their other option is to fall into Hell, chained to and weighted down by Original Sin and its unpurged derivatives.

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