Saturday, April 2, 2016

Whose Time Is It Anyway?

Life begins from the moment of conception and ends with its last breath.  The time span in between man believes is his to do whatever and whenever he pleases, limited only by the laws of nature, and anything that may be in his way, thwarting his plans or causing delay, is not welcomed.  Man wants time to be on his schedule, even though the time that is allotted to him seldom meets his expectations.

Man cannot control the timing of events, like landing the right job with the right company at the desired location, to finding an ideal soulmate, to searching for a misplaced item and being caught in traffic.  Time makes no promises to man, when his goals will be reached, if ever.

Man did not create time.  It was given to him: it is limited and advances.  What it cannot do is reverse itself.  What it does best is to delay and to keep the future a secret.

Delay is a concept of man, not of time.  Sometimes man knows only with hindsight that a delay that had caused disappointment had coincidentally avoided a tragedy.  Such fateful events are not in the control of man.

However, man can exercise control and truncate directly or indirectly his own or another's natural time span in this earthly existence.  What will happen to them in eternity only God knows, and time which parallels eternity will not tell.

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