Friday, November 13, 2015

Work Of The Devil In Paris - Friday, November 13, 2015

"More than 150 people have been killed in a series of coordinated terror attacks in the heart of Paris which have paralysed the French capital." [1]  Such and all other terrorist killings could most certainly be counted as the work of the Devil.  "The main shooting broke out at a popular music hall, Le Bataclan, where the American band Eagles of Death Metal was among those playing." [2]  All of the band members of Eagles of Death Metal escaped unharmed [3], including the band leader, Jesse Hughes, who "uses many different nicknames, including 'J. Devil' (or simply 'The Devil')". [4]
Hughes revealed that his band mate Josh Homme gave him "The Devil" nickname when he was thirteen. "I used to get picked on a lot by Karl Doyle" says Hughes, "And when I would get picked on severely, or if it really made a point to me, I would get vengeance, but I would get vengeance in the way that I could, which was mostly clever and all consuming. Joshua once witnessed me in the moment I was about to enact vengeance upon someone, and he just said, 'You're the fucking devil dude,' and it stuck." [5]
Perhaps the terrorists who killed were also intended to exact vengeance for what they perceived to be unjust, however wrong their perception.  But vengeance is not the way to peace.  Jesus said, "But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheeks also." [6]  However, those who had been killed by terrorists could not ask to be killed again.  Therefore, it is up to those who are able to do something to stop future killings to find a way to peace, not by fighting back and killing in revenge but by loving in return.  As difficult as this is to do, this has to be done, for the alternative is continual killing, generation after generation.  The unending conflict between the Palestinians and the Israelis is an example.

Wherever the readers of this blog are or travel to, pray sincerely, pray often, pray for all, love deeply, love always and love all and may they and their loves ones be blessed by God.

[5] Ibid.

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