Monday, November 2, 2015

In Uncertain Times

In everyone's life there are times when one does not know what to expect because what may come next is in the hands of God, or of somebody else beyond one's control, or of those in power acting under the influence of Satan causing pain, grief and strife for many, and still many others who suffer emotional pain over the loss of family, friends and loved ones, brought upon by the wave of destruction that began with the invasion of Iraq and aggravated by other subsequent and on-going Satanic actions that are not merely confined to the Mideast.  Whatever the variables are that lead to uncertainty, two things are certain: inner peace is disturbed and the only way to repair it is to invite the Son of God into one's life.  The invitation cannot be perfunctory. It has to be rooted in sincere faith that is saturated with pure and undiluted love for Jesus Who will grant His Peace to anyone who asks and  who believes and enjoys  His very real and immediate presence by being consumed with unending love extending to every fiber in one's body and occupying every moment in one's mind.  In other words, to experience peace from the Prince of Peace, one's entire body and mind have to be actively engaged by holding on to one's most precious Guest with full faith and love one has for Him.

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