Tuesday, November 24, 2015

A True Leader

In order for one to lead, one has to be loved by those who follow.  To have followers, one has to live among them, not necessarily for life but long enough to be loved.  That usually does not take a long time when the love is consistently magnanimous, because the power of that love will spread fast and far and wide by word of mouth.

Magnanimous love is what man is capable of, but it is a big step below unconditional love which no man can give for unconditional love demands a non-judgmental mind and man is incapable of withholding prejudicial judgment of every kind.  The One Who was man in nature and God in spirit was the only One Who loved unconditionally without any bias.  His love was so powerful that two millennia later, He is still at the very core of humanity.

The way the Son of God loved was simple because He knew the absolute Truth, and He lived among those who followed Him.  When one knows the absolute Truth, the facts speak for themselves and there is no need to judge.  Even if the facts are all negative, causing the grand scale of justice to tilt toward Hell, the Son of God was there on the cross asking His Father to forgive all those who did not know what they were doing [1], [2] but who freely and willingly humble themselves before God to ask for forgiveness. [3]

This blogger blames it on jet lag for not remembering exactly what he wrote on this very topic and not knowing any sinner who did not know what he was doing before he sinned, while he was making plans to sin, when he was sinning and after he had sinned, but he can still identify the ugly creature of Satan who gave the world ISIL [4], [5] by his order to invade Iraq and kill Saddam Hussein.  If the creature had not known what he did was wrong while he was in power, he ought to know now with certainty that his evil deed is continuing to delight Satan even though Satan is already done with him and has moved on to those currently in power who are willing to do its work.

If that weak and pitiful creature who apparently was unable to refuse Satan's request to awaken true evil in the Mideast peace thinks that he was a world leader, then his personal truth as he sees it could not be further from the absolute Truth.  He was definitely not a world leader for he never lived among the peoples of the world, and the fact that he fears traveling outside his country and probably spends most of his time in his own state and within the boundaries of his own property, he is a prisoner in his own make-belief world and therefore cannot ever hope to be a leader.  No prisoner who is confined involuntarily, or voluntarily out of mortal fear and for self-preservation, within a small defined area relative to the world at large, and who is without the capacity to love magnanimously has any leadership quality. What propelled the arrogant and bellicose Iraq invader to power was the influence of Evil which will not stop until the ultimate showdown between Good and Evil.

To be a true leader, one must emulate the One Who came to save man from himself, by listening to His words and contemplating His actions, all of which point to man's two most difficult challenges and ironically his most innate tendencies which are to love and to find love in return.

[1] https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+23%3A33-43&version=KJV
[2] Intellectual dishonesty and rationalizations do not count toward ignorance of one's sinful intentions and acts.
[3] Heaven cannot be forced upon one who is so blinded by his pride that he would refuse to acknowledge the love of God Who has been waiting for him to exercise his Free Will to love God in return.
[4] "'ISIL's interest in horrific ways to inflict harm is completely consistent with ISIL's record of complete disregard for human rights and international norms and values," said one U.S. official." See http://www.latimes.com/world/africa/la-fg-terror-tactics-20151122-story.html
[5] Referring to ISIL, Robin Wright, a Mideast scholar said, "'in 2015, the threat has never been so stark, the group so wealthy, the technology so sophisticated, or the battlefield so global, even as the front lines are so amorphous.'" See http://www.latimes.com/world/africa/la-fg-terror-tactics-20151122-story.html

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