Sunday, November 8, 2015

The Vatican In Deep Trouble

This blogger has consistently criticized the Catholic church, namely, its hypocrisy, and is continually troubled by the unsaintliness of certain "political saints" as compared to God's saints.  As it turned out, the criticisms were not unfounded.  Recent events that have unfolded for the world to see have given them credence.

An article entitled Sainthood price-tag leaks stir Vatican fury  in the Financial Times dated November 6, 2015, summarized succinctly what troubles this blogger: [1]

On sainthood (quoted) [2]:
The overall cost to the Vatican involved in creating a new saint can be as high as €500,000 — and in one case hit €750,000 — because of the lengthy historical due-diligence involved in analysing a candidate’s suitability, including whether he or she has performed any miracles.
When so much money is involved in crowning a sinner with an artificial halo, it is reasonable to conclude that there are less than holy factions and forces with less than wholesome intentions that are corrupting the Church, compelling it to make saints out of undeserving sinners.  This blogger has long doubted the "miracles" attributed to JP2's intercessions were genuine. Another dubious saint in this blogger's opinion is Pio whose was made a saint in 2002 by JP2.  Wherever their souls are, this blogger wonders if their earthly halos emit light or are they just rings of darkness that craves the Light of Christ endlessly.

On hypocrisy (quoted) [3] :
Overall, the Vatican’s real estate portfolio was estimated to be worth €2.7bn, and, in many cases, housing was rented out to friends and acquaintances at prices well below market value.

One former Vatican official was accused of using funds destined for a Vatican-run children’s hospital in Rome to pay for a €23,000 helicopter ride to southern Italy and the refurbishment of his own flat.
Even the pope himself commented (quoted) [4]:
“A believer cannot speak of poverty and the homeless but have the lifestyle of a pharaoh,” he said.
It is ironic that the pope made the comment above since rather than forgiving and praising those who leaked private Vatican information, he had them arrested.  See the November 3, 2015, article by NPR entitled 2 Vatican Officials In Probe Of Leaked Documents. [5]

The arrest was seemingly a "pre-emptive strike" by the Vatican against the accused (quoted) [6]:
STEVE INSKEEP, HOST: The Vatican has arrested two of its employees. One is a monsignor, a high-level priest. The other is a public relations specialist. They're both suspected of leaking confidential information to the media. And they were taken into custody just before the publication of two books that promised to reveal scandal within the Holy See. NPR's Sylvia Poggioli is covering this story from Rome. Hi, Sylvia. 
INSKEEP: What did these two allegedly leak? 
POGGIOLI: Well, we don't know. There's no official charge yet. But the presumption is that this is a preemptive strike on the part of the Vatican before the release of these two books that have been getting a lot of attention in the media here.
Last, but not least, a Business Insider article written by Associated Press published within the last 24 hours entitled Pope pledges to continue reform in face of leaks  reported that "Pope Francis told followers in St. Peter's Square on Sunday [November 8, 2015] that the theft of documents describing financial malfeasance inside the Holy See was a 'crime' but pledged to continue reforms of its administration." [7]  The report concluded with the following paragraph, stating (quoted) [8]:
Last week the Vatican described the books as "fruit of a grave betrayal of the trust given by the pope, and, as far as the authors go, of an operation to take advantage of a gravely illicit act of handing over confidential documentation." It added that the publication did not help "in any way to establish clarity and truth, but rather generate confusion and partial and tendentious conclusions."
What is wrong with this picture, describing the books as a betrayal of the pope's trust in the authors but not acknowledging the Vatican's betrayal of the people's trust in the Catholic church that everything ought to be clear, truthful and holy?  The question had already been answered by Christ Himself: "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?" [9]

[1], accessed November 8, 2015.  Alternatively, search for the FT article here:
[2] Ibid.
[3] Ibid.
[4] Ibid.
[6] Ibid.
[8] Ibid.

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