Thursday, November 5, 2015

The Demise Of Reality And The Rise Of Virtual Reality

The pre-electronic world saw its imperceptible end when man started to supplant reality with virtual reality and in its wake, God Who is very much part of reality, has vanished into virtual oblivion from which nothing resuscitates.  Gone also are the romanticized remnants of the Garden of Eden where every plant, every fruit and every other living organism on land and in the sea each contributed in some positive way to the eternal youth of Adam and Eve until their perfect lives and their perfect surrounds were ended by their pride and envy.  Their offsprings, the people of the world, have since corrupted the God-given nurturing earth even more, and are doing so at a pace faster than ever before.

In this rapidly-advancing electronic world, the integrity of the oceans and seas is disintegrating, with the nutrients that are in them to heal and feed poisoned by the seepage of all kinds of toxic substances from disposed consumer electronic gadgets and vehicles, ranging from large scale use of batteries and LED lighting to faster and thinner computers, larger smart phones, larger, thinner smart televisions with lousy acoustics, smarter and faster drones and inventions yet to be conceived, all finding their way into the food chain, a health risk that cannot be quantified, and conveniently ignored in the world of virtual reality.  As if death does not come soon enough for the sinful mortal in a pristine world, man by his insatiable desires has hastened his own mortality by being obliviously sinful, captivated by and consuming with impunity the unceasing production of toxic inventions that fill the world with contaminants while being in full denial of the increasing concentration of their existence.

A sanitized world replete with denials of all kinds is today's world of virtual reality.

Going back some 2,000 years when Jesus recruited Peter and Andrew to be His first disciples by the Sea of Galilee [1], Jesus was not taking them them back to paradise that was Eden. On the contrary, He was planning to show them Evil and His triumph over Evil, the realities of His death and resurrection, the very real God and the Son of God and the shortest way to Heaven, which is via sacrificial love.

The Enemy knows this and obfuscates the road to Heaven by its temptations.  It has done so by fraud (it planted the seeds of pride an envy in Adam and Eve by means of a lie [2]), by heightening the desires of the flesh, by expanding the appetite for wealth and power (man using his intellect against others), and it is now doing so by using man's given intellect against himself in a virtual world, a place consumed and dominated by toxic electronic devices where God is absent, where the Son of God never existed to be betrayed, scourged, taunted and crucified and where the binary-uncodable redemption of Sin is not even a concept.  In this world of electronic unreality, the only path is to Hell.

As the world of virtual reality grows, the world of reality shrinks.  Within virtual reality, the Truth is hidden and Satan is sanitized, God is denied entry [4] and what is True and Holy does not fit in.

[2] The lie was that Adam and Eve could be like God when they ate the forbidden Apple, in this blogger's opinion, was the Apple was a test of Adam and Eve's love for their Creator, to not disobey, on the one hand, and on the other, to see if Adam and Eve would exercise their Free Will granted to them to sin against God, wanting to be like and out-do God.  They failed on both counts based on a lie the Serpent told.
[3] The Passion of Christ was not virtual nor is the redemption of Sin.  To insist that a virtual representation of the Passion of Christ is sufficient food for the soul, then it is equally proper to insist that a virtual representation of a mother's breast milk is sufficient food for an new born baby.

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