Thursday, November 19, 2015

Hugs At Place de la République

A Muslim man blind-folded himself and offered to hug anyone who wanted one near Place de la République on November 16, 2015, [1]. [2]. [3] after the shootings at Le Bataclan and attacks elsewhere in Paris three days earlier on November 13. [4]  His small gesture probably had no effect on any future terrorist act the extreme Muslim terrorists might already be planning but it was a beginning of a hope that perhaps would change the minds of some who might be considering radicalization to rethink their intention, seeing that hate divides and wounds humanity but love unites and heals it.

The world needs a lot more close interpersonal relationships based on love and much less impersonal killings based on self-righteousness, greed, power and revenge. [5]  The one who believed that his invasion of Iraq was sanctioned by God ought to examine his relationship with Satan as a pawn of Satan. [6]  Terrorists that kill are pure evil, but the one who enabled their existence and their subsequent rise to power was no less evil than the sadistic killers.

This blogger does not know if any of Satan's pawns will receive redemption but thinks that their ego are so overwhelmed by pride that they are forever blinded by it, so much so that even on the Day of Final Judgment, they would not be able to be humble long enough to ask God for forgiveness.  With their final refusal to abandon their pride, they would have chosen freely their eternity, Hell.

[3] Seeing images of hugs after hugs, tears began to well up in this blogger's eyes.
[5] The Russian bombing of ISIL oil refineries and trucks was, in this blogger's opinion, the right thing to do.  This is not considered "an eye for an eye" but a collateral attack on ISIL's economic structure for ISIL's killing of innocent passengers on an airplane with a bomb.

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