Sunday, May 31, 2015

A Door Closes

When God closes a door, another opens.  Throughout life, many doors open and then close.  They were opened because they were appropriate for a time then time is up and one needs to move on.  One has to exercise one's Free Will to pick new doors to open when an existing door closes but when one is at a loss, or chooses the wrong path, life can be miserable.

Misery can be a blessing in disguise when one believes that God will provide.  Misery has to be endured.  Enduring it with patience and humility sharpens all  of one's senses which prepares one to make the right decisions, to open the right doors.  It is important to pay attention to one's senses, and to record them so that they could be recollected should there be any doubt.

Doors that seem so right that are opened are not meant to stay open forever.  With love for and faith in God, God will again provide.  Every new door that is opened is a door closer to Heaven.  To continually be given these doors, it is important to remember with kindness those who served, in ways good and bad, by helping to drive one in the direction God has intended.

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