Sunday, May 17, 2015

Timeless Order Of Terrestrial Angels

The purpose of this entry is to define and identify a free-form order of earthly angels in the flesh.  Like many entries in this blog, this is yet another born out of the imagination.

Angels in this Timeless Order of Terrestrial Angels ("TOTA") are not celestial angels.  They are not spirits that travel through the atmosphere at great speeds, nor do they have the pure intellect of God's angels or the ability to see the future.  They are human, and as such they are imperfect, doing dumb things at times but always doing their best. What distinguishes them from the rest of humanity is their capacity to serve others indiscriminately, humbly and unconditionally; what separates them from the celestial angels is the warmth that radiates from their care, their empathy and their love.

These Terrestrial Angels ("TAs") have been around forever and that is why they are timeless.  How they originate only God knows.  They have been given a special gift that comes from God.  There are obscure ones and famous ones.  The obscure ones prefer to remain anonymous; the famous ones ask not for their fame but fame came to them anyway.  Both do work that is fundamentally good.  Unlike some people (including me) who blog and do nothing, they act without babbling.

Since TAs are first of all human, therefore anyone has the potential to become one.  It takes focus, ambition and perseverance.  They may falter, emotionally and physically, but they are not deterred.  They have the will to recover and continue, and God is with them. [1]

As tenacious as TAs are in their commitment to do good, they are weak in their flesh.  They need the celestial ones who are spirits to help them.  Together, the celestial and terrestrial angels go the whole distance for God and God loves them.  Some may scoff at the fact that some TAs are not religious, not Christian, not Catholic but the Truth is "whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother." [2]

Those who are TAs are under the TOTA but TOTA is not an organization.  It does not have a charter, by-laws or a mission statement.  It is not a charity, and contributions to it are not tax-deductible.  They do not require donations and asks not for them.  God has provided them with all the resources they need to do their work.  Their rewards are fulfillment, inner peace and perhaps even daily joy.

May Their God continue to enrich the lives of the Terrestrial Angels and protect them from the forces of evil and fill them with peace in their interiors and joy in their hearts.

[1] There is hope for this blogger to be a TA, but the thought of being one is daunting.

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