Monday, May 18, 2015

The Demonic Order Of Fallen Spirits

The last entry on the Timeless Order of Terrestrial Angels ("TOTA") compels the continuation of an imagined force opposing the good work of TOTA performed by the Terrestrial Angels ("TAs").

The battle for souls is on-going.  While the world has its TAs that do God's work, it also has Fallen Spirits ("FSs") that wander the world seeking those who would do Satan's.  They belong to the Demonic Order of Fallen Spirits ("DOFS"). Those lured by the traps of the FSs are Slaves Of Satan ("SOSs"). This acronym was chosen because SOS stands for Save Our Souls [1], and Satan's slaves definitely need to have their cowardly, weak and submissive souls saved despite having little salvific potential.

Unlike TAs that are free floating individuals doing God's work wherever they see the need, SOSs are parasites in corrupt organizations with power.  Within them SOSs thrive to annihilate each other which gives meaning to the mission statement of the DOFS were it a non-profit entity: "Incinerate," one word shorter than TED's (Technology, Entertainment, Design) two: "Spreading Ideas." [2]

DOFS not only wants to destroy the world but to end it like an inferno.  It makes no difference to Satan whether earth burns to ashes from rains of fire and brimstone from Heaven [3] or the use of incendiary explosives by SOSs around the world.  The bigger the fire and the hotter and longer it burns, the more Satan likes it.  Even Hell would be envious seeing Earth turn into fireball.


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