Thursday, May 7, 2015

Living A Miracle

As a bottle of fine wine grows more and more layered and complex with time, a life that is lived in a miracle becomes simpler and simpler when one surrenders more and more control over it to God.  That does not mean one stops exercising one's Free Will in choosing what to do; rather, it means that one invites God to be part of every decision-making process.

God's response may be silent but God is never a silent (non-participating) partner.  The more one supplicates, the more God becomes a friend.  As a friend, God is able to enter into one's heart and mind [1]. With the living God in one's interior, one's choices will be in synchrony with God's. [2]

One needs to realize that God's ways in getting things done are not man's ways.  God's timing is not man's timing.  Therefore, one needs to let go of one's idea of what is logical and efficient and let God be the lead.

God's paths are always more efficient in achieving the right result than man's and always the more appropriate.  God can see the future and uses this foresight that man does not have in leading him.  To live life with God at its center is to live in a miracle.  The man who lives such a life is being led closer and closer to Heaven.

[1] God will only be present where there is love and will give assistance only when man's Free Will allows.
[2] God is not always in one's interior.  The very moment one wishes to be in charge, God steps aside and observes, allowing one's Free Will to reign.  More often than not, man wants to be back in the driver's seat, to go wherever and whenever he pleases, likely to partner up with the Enemy, to indulge in the temptations of the world.

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