Monday, May 18, 2015

Terrestrial Angels Who Pray

A day later, the thought of Terrestrial Angels ("TAs") has not gone away.  When they were first imagined, TAs were doers, not talkers or bloggers.  On second thought, there are TAs who pray.  Not everyone who prays is a TA; only those who pray with absolute faith are TAs.  TAs can pray for themselves, but they pray mostly for others, which qualify them to be angels, for angels do things to help others.

While doing God's work is important, a TA is always mindful that the inspiration to do the work is from God, not out of an obligation based on social responsibility which is secular. Not that secular good work is unproductive, but whatever success that is achieved under it is without meaning.  Only God has meaning and as such, a life without God has no meaning even though it is surrounded with material possessions and comfort.  With God at the center of a TA's work, not only is the work reflective of the love of God that has gone into it, the beneficiaries of that work also receive a dose of that love.  They may not know where that love comes from specifically, but they would never forget the love that they experience.

That love is palpable but love that comes from prayerful TAs is far more subtle, and likely unnoticeable, even though the outcomes of those prayers can be deemed as miracles. Prayers unlock God's mercy and healing power, but only those prayers that are prayed by the absolute faithful.  TAs are by their very nature true believers in God and therefore their prayers are heard.  TAs who pray are in essence human intercessors on earth.  Their prayers are always heard by the most passionate and effective intercessor in Heaven Who is the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God.  It would generally be through Her that TAs prayers are answered, although direct pleas by TAs to God and the Son of God are also heard and answered.

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