Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Want To Be Like God? Think Again.

Eat the forbidden fruit "and you will be like God." [1]  To be like God, one must know who is God and what is God first.

Who is God?  God is the all powerful Creator.  What is God? God is love.  To be God is to be all love first and all powerful next.  Even though love is higher ranked than power, they are inseparable.  It is easy to be powerful but how difficult it is to love?  Very, especially to love unconditionally.

One cannot be like God and be all powerful without love. To want to be all powerful but care not about love is to be like Satan.  Many in the world who want to be powerful but have no love for their enemies are minions of Satan, and whatever "love" they have for their "friends" is seldom, if ever, unconditional.

[1] https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis+3&version=NASB

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