Sunday, June 7, 2015

The Linkage

Scientists and geneticists can debate whether human beings are linked to one another by a common thread that traces back to Creation.  This entry leaves them to prove and disprove the missing link between ape and man, between Darwinism and Creationism but draws its conclusion based on a decidedly non-scientific approach.

Darwin's theory of evolution could not have been propounded without God's creations.  In fact, Charles Darwin own existence would not have been possible without God. All of the world's creatures arise out of God's imagination.  It is the ability to imagine that God has given to man that distinguishes man from every other creature, when man was created in God's image. [1] The power to imagine inspires man to explore, discover and invent, and to challenge himself and master his environment in every way imaginable.

Indeed, it is the power to imagine what it is to be "like God" that led to the downfall of Adam and Eve [2] because they imagined wrongly.  They had no clue what it would be like to be "like God."  They had not read God's job description. [3] Had they done so (or imagined correctly), they would not have eaten the Forbidden Fruit and would still be lounging around in the Garden of Eden.

The linkage between God and man and between man and his fellow man is not limited to the power of imagination.  God, man and his neighbor are linked by time, space and the earthly elements.  If time is timeless (one way to think of timelessness is seeing the infinity of time as circular and not linear so that as one travels through it, it brings one back to any point in time as one wills it), then Adam and Eve can supposedly return to Eden and undo their mistake.  That is not possible in reality but it is possible with imagination.

It is the imagined view of the future that brings people together and drives people apart.  Whether one imagines hope and peace or fear and conflict, people are linked by time in the past, in the now and yet to come, from the time of Creation, through the fall of Adam and Eve and all the conflicts that ensued and are continuing, to the present moment.

As physical entities, people are linked also by space.  Just like the concept of water displacement [4], a similar concept applies to space.  For example, when a person has occupied a seat, another cannot occupy the identical space.  The occupied space is therefore displaced. Space on this earth is large, but not infinite.  Therefore, we are linked to one another by our very existence, since one's occupation of space takes away the occupation of the same space by another.

The planet earth not only contains its creatures but also the elements that sustain life.  Humans are therefore linked by the earth's life-giving elements.  In Chinese astrology, the five elements are metal, wood, water, fire and earth. [5]  In modern society, the use and consumption of these five elements are continuous, and the contamination and refuge produced by man's use may or may not be returned to their original pristine state.  Contaminated or not, irrevocably transformed or not, the elements that God had created remain.  The earth on grounds that the Son of God had walked upon remain.  The water that He touched remain. [6] The wood and metal He used as the Son of a carpenter remain. [7] And the fire that cooked the fish for breakfast for His disciples [8] can burn just as hot.

To the five elements, air is added here.  Air fills the space that is not already occupied by something physical.  The air on the planet earth has sustained life since life began.  The air that sustained the life of Christ remain. [9]

A linkage therefore exists.  We humans are linked by the air we breath, the earth's elements we survive on, the space we share, the timelessness of time we live in and the powerful imagination that God gave us which links us to God.

This linkage established by God is real and unbreakable. Humankind is a single unit joined to God, but in our ignorance, our fears and our sins we see each other as separate and distinct, and in our distinctness and within our differences conflicts arise and inner peace is destroyed. Without inner peace, there will be no peace in the family, between neighbors and among nations.

Think about the linkage to one another and to God by way of Christ and use the power of imagination without guise, without intellectual dishonesty for the absolute good of all of God's creations, creatures that live and matters that exist for their sustenance so that inner peace can prevail and world peace can be achieved.

[1] The supposed fact that certain chimpanzees in the wild seem to be able to fashion tools for their use, their tools have remained primitive.  See  These animals are unable to make further improvements to their tools because they lack imagination.  No degree of evolution will change this reality.
[3] An attempt will be made in the near future to put together one.

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