Wednesday, June 17, 2015

The Victim

This blog has consistently insisted that Jesus was not a Victim, that He was a Victor for overcoming Satan's temptations and a Savior for sacrificing Himself on the cross to redeem Sin.  What it has not done is identify the victim. This entry attempts to do so.

To recapitulate, let it be established that no man can be designated as a victim when he knows his destiny and has full power over his victimizer, directly or indirectly.  Since Jesus knew His destiny [1] and had a Father with absolute power over His victimizer [2], He was not  a Victim, despite the fact that the Catholic church calls Him the "Holy Victim" -- "Holy" yes, "Victim" no.

If Jesus were a Victim, then who was He a Victim of?  Surely He could not have been a Victim of God evidenced by His willingness to do God's will [3].  However, one can then say that Jesus was a "willing Victim" of God, but that would make God the Victimizer.  If God were the Victimizer, then God could not have been Love, but God is  Love.  Since God is Love, Jesus was never God's Victim.  If Jesus was not the Victim Who was crucified, then who, if any one, was?  Were the two criminals who were crucified on either side of Jesus both victims? Actually only one of them, identified below, was the victim.

To be accurate, there was not just one victim but many.  In fact, everyone other than the Son of God and the Mother of God is a victim of Satan marked by Original Sin.  Man [3] from the moment of his creation has not been able to escape from the lures of Satan and has continued to embrace Its temptations.  Man, therefore, is the victim -- the perennial victim of Satan.

If every man is a victim of Satan, then the two criminals crucified along with Jesus would certainly have been victims, but this entry concluded above that only one of them was. The one who believed that Jesus was the Son of God, who asked Jesus to remember him in Heaven [5] had in effect transformed himself from a victim into a victor.  His absolute faith in Jesus allowed him to realize his destiny, to know that he was going to be with Christ in Heaven, and by giving his entire being over to Christ, he had full power over Satan, and he exercised that power by rejecting It completely.  One who has complete faith in Christ and has rejected Satan by surrendering freely one's entire self to Christ is not a victim. Thus, it was the other criminal on the cross who continued to disbelieve Jesus and rejected Jesus as the Son of God who was the true victim of Satan.

Many today have no faith in God and can care less about Christ.  They are all victims of Satan as are the believers who are addicted to Satan's temptations and who continue to sin without supplicating and asking God for forgiveness. Hypocrites and betrayers of Truth are surely victims of Satan, just like those who are envy-obsessed, hate-obsessed, anger-obsessed, self-obsessed, money-obsessed and power-obsessed.  The list goes on and on.

By God's grace, victims of Satan are not destined for Hell. There is a choice.  They can choose to follow the path of the criminal who transformed himself into a victor to be with Christ, the Holy Victor, in Heaven, or they can remain as victims and choose the path of the criminal who refused to accept Jesus as the Savior and follow Satan to Hell.

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