Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Rosary In Latin On Youtube

Too often  I say the rosary in a perfunctory manner but say it I do, twice a day.  I say it while driving or walking or glancing at the television, or while I am on the stationary bike at gym and in the bathtub, and I say the decades not at one time but in parts sometimes, separated by the worldly things I do.  To think that I would spend time twice a day doing something meaningless to Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary is hard to admit.  It is a conduct that is reprehensible but that is not the worst of it--sometimes my mind would drift and extraneous thoughts would enter into it as prayers are being recited.

As a sinner who continuously sin by taking advantage of the kindness, forgiveness and love of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Christ, I can only hope for Their pardon as I pardon others who take advantage of me.

To cure my wandering mind while saying prayers of the rosary, I have resorted to uploads in Latin by Catholic Devotions on Youtube at (Joyful Mysteries), (Sorrowful Mysteries), (Luminous Mysteries) and (Glorious Mysteries).  Listening to Shubert's Ave Maria playing in the background, reflecting on the mysteries with the help of changing paintings and reading the words of the prayers help me focus.

Whoever you are, Catholic Devotions, thank you.

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