Saturday, June 14, 2014

Father's Day

My father lives half a world away and in that part of the world it is already Sunday, Father's Day.  I have never been close to my father and he has not been the kind, supportive and loving father that I would have liked to have but he did work hard to raise me, pay for my education and feed me with a silver spoon even when I was able to take care of myself.  Certainly, I have not been the perfect son that he expected me to become.  Despite our differences, I have learned to love him, and I love him dearly especially now that he is in his old age, but where my love is short of what love is, I make it up with prayers, the only way I know how to compensate for my shortcomings and failures. 

From deep in my heart, I say in silence: "Happy Father's Day, Dad!  I love you!"

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