Tuesday, June 24, 2014

"Peace in the Midst of the Storm"

The title of this entry is not mine; it belongs to Joel Osteen [1].
As much as I wish my life is always filled with the peace of God, it is not always the case.  One cannot have peace when Satan's demons are occupying the souls of those who are a part of one's life, temporarily or permanently.  However, as Joel Osteen said, "[P]eace is not the absence of trouble. Peace is knowing that God is right there with you in the midst of the trouble," [2] and having God at one's side every step along the way.

I am able to have peace in a troubling time because I have been given a strong enough will to evict Satan from my core.  Evicting Satan from my core does not mean allowing others infected with Satan's demons to trample all over me; it means that my insides are not stressed out by anguish, anxiety and anger (a sure sign that demons are inhabiting the soul) while resolute steps are being taken to resolve matters in a fair, logical and emotionally detached manner, even if one has to anticipate the need to seek legal advice. [3] 

For someone who is terribly troubled, I have only one suggestion: pray the rosary, even several times a day, and believe that the prayers will be heard, and will ring in the ears of those who need to hear them, and that in time, goodness will prevail. [4]

[1] http://www.joelosteen.com/Pages/BlogItem.aspx?item=9626a0c5-3374-4c37-9eef-a9a39dbd791f#.U6oq5rHDZyo
[2] Ibid.
[3] Not all attorneys have a client's best interests in mind since there can be a conflict of interest between that of the client and the unethical and immoral lawyer whose goal is to maximize billable hours and minimize the extent of work that ought to be done.  Moreover, not all attorneys are as competent and knowledgeable as they would like for a client to believe.  Before hiring an attorney, it is important for one to do research on his/her professional qualifications and reputation, to make sure that his/her disposition and approach are in harmony with one's character and personality.
[4] One ought not to take a selfish and vindictive stand when seeking assistance from the Lord for the Lord is not only just but forgiving and loving.  Therefore be prepared to be fair, to compromise and to forgive.  And if possible, to love like Christ loves.

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