Sunday, June 8, 2014

Satan's Diet

Satan's Diet not an entry to sell a new fat-loss, vanity-chasing exercise and nutrition program with a name that conjures up all the hidden desires of man, leading with his most libidinous, for Satan was once Lucifer, the most beautiful angel in every way imaginable, the kind of beauty that is desired by all, that would awaken the most repressed urges of even the holiest of saints past whose predisposition to salacious temptations can be attributed to the common denominator that humanity shares.

At the forefront of humanity's desire for unbridled, immediate self-gratifying wantoness is not so much the exposed flesh that is Satan's diet [1] but more the rawness of man's soul that Satan seeks to devour.  The longer the carnivorous Satan gnaws at man's raw soul, the more heightened man's need is to fill his soul to complete his being.  Whatever man's libidinous desires may be, man hungers for them and he will resort to all kinds of malevolence to usurp the happiness of others so as to have company in misery.

In misery, man's constant hunger spreads from one miserable soul to another, arising from unrequited love and unattained lust, so that each man is incomplete.  His hunger for completeness is the fuel that propels man through life.  This hunger originates from Satan and is also Satan's hunger.  Man believes that this hunger can be cured but he is wrong.

The nature of Satan's hunger is not to seek satiation but to propagate more of itself by infecting every new soul and to grow the void in every infected soul.  Satan diet, is therefore, not to curb an appetite but to expand a void that grows in hunger for more of what can never be satisfied.  That, in essence, is Hell within man soul, and Hell on earth.

Satan's diet is repulsive, as with all that Satan is and does.  The more man chases after the "food" of Satan's Diet to satisfy his hunger, the hungrier he gets.  To be satiated, and even more beautiful that Lucifer once was, man need to fill his soul with Christ, the love Christ showed to all, at His betrayal, during the scourge, when he was humiliated with a crown of thorns and on the cross of Resurrection.

[1] Although Satan does not literally take a bite out of man's flesh as part of Its diet, but one can reasonably assume that Satan desires man's flesh because It is envious of man which was the cause of Lucifer's fall from Heaven and because man's flesh, in particular the flesh of those who have in their bodies the Eucharist, the living body and the purifying blood of Christ, whether having literally eaten the flesh and drunk the blood of Christ or having the flesh and blood of Christ infused into the bodies of those who have not actually eaten the flesh or drunk the blood of Christ (see footnote [5] in the entry entitled The Eucharist  at  Satan has a special desire for those whose flesh and blood had been infused with the flesh and blood of Christ because that is the only  way Satan can taste Christ--indirectly.  What envious warrior does not wish to consume his enemy in one way or another?  Satan is no different.  With Christ as Its nemesis, Satan can only taste the perfection Christ through the flesh and blood of man who has the living Christ in him.  Imagine Its envy and fury whenever It does, imagine Its eternal hunger for that perfection that It can never have, imagine Its void that is uncontainable and perpetual, the same kind of void Satan has spread to man so that man has to suffer alongside It. 

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