Sunday, June 8, 2014

A Peace Agitated

This blog is named Place de la Paix because I would like it to be a place of peace but at the moment I am quite agitated and whatever peace I hope to attain or convey is absent because my mind is thinking about a group of people who are captivated by JP2 and this pope for one reason or another, probably the same group of people who have never liked Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI and have written him off and banished him to oblivion in their minds--the intellectually gifted and exceptionally erudite pope, the deeply spiritual pope and in my opinion, a holy pope who is not always perfect but for some reason I feel special to be breathing in the same air as Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI and alive together on this earth even though our paths are not likely to ever cross.

Pray for me, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, and for the souls that are being tormented and for those still living who are attempting to dumb down, trivialize and secularize the teachings of Christ by robbing their spiritual depth with shallow soundbites and diluting the love inherent in them with hypocrisy.

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